Magic Moves Online
Creative dance for kids ages 2-12
Whilst we are unable to move and dance in our usual venues I will continue to provide an online dance programme so your child can keep dancing at home. This will continue to be live classes via ZOOM and also recorded video for access at anytime. You can book a live class below or please email magicmovesdance@btinternet if you would like to access the pre-recorded content. Online classes are priced at a lower rate than normal classes but please contact me if due to current circumstances you need a discount or a free class.
Ages 2-8 classes
You will need to source some props (normally things you will have in the house) or the class might include a making pack delivered to you so they can have making props at home.
GROOVY MOVES ages 8-11 are not currently being livestreamed. They are given weekly tasks and videos. Please get in touch to have access to this.
– try out the Zoom application first and have a look at the controls – in particular; how you view and how to mute or unmute yourself and how to turn the video on or off.
A larger screen is best (laptop or tablet rather than phone)
If you can link up a speaker the sound will be better.
You may need to push some furniture aside.